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Latest news

Check out the latest news and announcements from GHTC.

November 16, 2022

GHTC signs onto letter in support of the PASTEUR Act

GHTC signed onto a letter in support of the Pioneering Antimicrobial Subscriptions To End Up surging Resistance (PASTEUR) Act in an end-of-year package to address the growing crisis of antimicrobial resistance, including by strengthening the pipeline of innovative antimicrobial products.

November 11, 2022

GHTC contributes to new CSIS report on pandemic therapies

Through participation in a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) working group on COVID-19 therapies over the past year, GHTC contributed to a new report called Transforming Health Crises with Pandemic Therapies.

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Latest from the Breakthroughs Blog

Read stories about bright ideas and bold innovations in global health.

April 5, 2021

Research Roundup: Pfizer vaccine effective in adolescents, at-home OTC tests authorized, and NIH tests variant-specific Moderna vaccine

In this regular feature on Breakthroughs, we highlight some of the most interesting reads in global health research from the past week.

Governor Tom Wolf
Chris Schwarz/Government of Alberta
Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development

Upcoming events

Learn more about upcoming events hosted by or featuring GHTC and its members.


Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit 2024

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Brazil Ministry of Health, and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Oct 8-10, 2024

7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines

IAVI, Stop TB Partnership Working group on New TB Vaccines, TuBerculosis Vaccine Institute

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