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January 24, 2012

Global health R&D in the US: Smart for California, right for the world

Global health research not only has the potential to save lives and prevent disabilities, it is good business. And Californians agree. A clear majority—58%—agree that global health research is important to the state’s economy, and 70% agree that Americans would be better off if the United States invests in global health research.

December 7, 2011

IPM receives USAID award to advance dual-purpose prevention ring for women

Luann Tia Blount is the Clinical Communications Officer for GHTC member the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM), a nonprofit product development partnership dedicated to developing new HIV prevention technologies and making them available to women in developing countries. This post discusses novel approaches to HIV prevention, namely an adapted medical technology used to deliver hormones to women—the vaginal ring.

December 5, 2011

RV144 and the future of an HIV vaccine

Kevin Fisher is the Policy Director for GHTC member AVAC: Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention, an organization that focuses on accelerating the development and delivery of critical AIDS vaccines and HIV treatment and prevention tools. AVAC and partners are hosting a congressional briefing this week to discuss promising results from a Military HIV Research Program’s (MHRP)-sponsored trial to develop a safe and effective HIV vaccine.

November 30, 2011

Building developing country capacity is key in the battle against HIV and AIDS

As we commemorate World AIDS Day 2011, I am both encouraged by the recent discoveries that are improving and prolonging lives and reminded of the challenges that remain in our battle to defeat this terrible disease.