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December 6, 2015

Research Roundup: the first kid-friendly TB treatment, enlisting smartphones to diagnose malaria, and promising new microbicides

GHTC member TB Alliance announced last week the creation of the first-ever child-friendly tuberculosis (TB) medicines, which are currently undergoing regulatory review by the World Health Organization and should be available in early 2016.

November 29, 2015

Research Roundup: kid-friendly malaria medicine, Zika fever, priority review vouchers, and more

After four successful Phase 3 clinical trials enrolling more than 3,500 patients in 18 countries, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has granted Pyramax® Granules, a pediatric malaria medicine, a positive opinion under Article 58—a mechanism through which the EMA reviews and issues a scientific opinion on products that are not intended for use in Europe.

October 25, 2015

Research Roundup: an aerosol TB vaccine, a new coating for HIV and AIDS drugs, drug-resistant malaria, and more

Researchers at Tulane University successfully tested an experimental aerosol tuberculosis (TB) vaccine in monkeys, demonstrating that the candidate was more effective in protecting against infection than BCG—the only TB vaccine on the market.

October 11, 2015

Why we need research to detect, prevent, and ultimately, eliminate parasitic diseases

In this guest post, Dr. Monica Parise—deputy director for program and science—and Dr. Larry Slutsker—director of the Division of Parasitic Disease and Malaria—at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Center for Global Health—discuss the role of research in advancing efforts to detect, prevent, and eliminate parasitic diseases.