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November 7, 2013

Impacts of federal budget compromise emerging

After two-and-a-half weeks in limbo, government employees were able to return to work on October 17th—when Congress finally reached a temporary agreement to re-open the government.

November 4, 2013

New fact sheet outlines the global health R&D pipeline and why US support is so important

In the past, the United States has contributed to important breakthroughs in global health—from the eradication of smallpox to a 74 percent drop in measles deaths worldwide.

October 16, 2013

Budget compromise re-opens the federal government

In this guest post, Jenny Howell—senior policy & advocacy associate at PATH working with the GHTC—writes about the new budget compromise that re-opened the federal government, as well as the effect of the government shutdown on health research programs.

October 1, 2013

What’s ahead on the Hill: An update on the government shutdown and global health R&D programs

In this guest post, Jenny Howell—senior policy & advocacy associate at PATH working with the GHTC—writes about how the government shutdown and budget negotiations in Congress will impact global health research and development (R&D) programs across the federal government.