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February 1, 2023

GHTC Statement on the WHO Diagnostics Resolution

GHTC's statement on the World Health Organization's resolution on diagnostics from the 2023 Executive Board meeting.

January 31, 2023

2022 G-FINDER report highlights the inadequacy of global health R&D funding: GHTC offers key takeaways for the global health community

GHTC's statement on findings of the 2022 G-FINDER report from GHTC member Policy Cures Research.

December 7, 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Senators Sherrod Brown and Todd Young, and developers of pretomanid and the BPaL regimen honored at GHTC’s Innovating for Impact Awards

At GHTC's sixth annual Innovating for Impact Awards, Senators Sherrod Brown and Todd Young received Congressional Champion Awards, the developers of pretomanid and the BPaL regimen received the Partnership Award, and Dr. Anthony Fauci received the first-ever Lifetime of Service Award. 

November 17, 2022

GHTC welcomes G20 Bali Leader’s Declaration, urges leaders to expand focus beyond pandemic preparedness and increase accountability with specific pledges

In evaluating the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, Global Health Technologies Coalition (GHTC) recognizes and applauds several encouraging commitments but urges leaders to walk the walk when it comes to making greater investments in research and development (R&D) and addressing emerging and persistent health threats with greater urgency.