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March 15, 2024

Policy Cures Research and GHTC's new report on the returns from US investment in global health R&D featured in news articles

The newly published report from GHTC and Policy Cures Research, Doing Well by Doing Good: Why Investing in Global Health R&D Benefits the United States and the World, which looks at the returns from US investment in global health R&D, was featured in articles from Research Professional News, CIDRAP, Infosalus, and Health Tech World

March 14, 2024

New Report Finds Public Spending on Global Health Innovation Delivers Blockbuster Returns, Saving Lives While Generating Billions of Dollars in Benefits Globally and Domestically

Over the last 16 years, US government funding for R&D targeting global health challenges supported dozens of breakthrough innovations while generating billions of dollars in economic benefits, both global and domestic, and spurring a surge of industry investments, according to a new analysis from GHTC and Policy Cures Research.

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January 26, 2024

World NTD Day Quiz: Test your knowledge of NTD innovations

How much do you know about combating neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)? In recognition of World NTD Day on January 30, GHTC is testing our readers' knowledge of NTD innovation.

FDA/Michael J. Ermarth
US Food and Drug Administration/Michael J. Ermarth

Upcoming events

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Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit 2024

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Brazil Ministry of Health, and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Oct 8-10, 2024

7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines

IAVI, Stop TB Partnership Working group on New TB Vaccines, TuBerculosis Vaccine Institute

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