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Kat Kelly is a senior program assistant at GHTC who supports GHTC's communications and member engagement activities.

Blog posts written by Kat

Total of 116 blog posts

July 12, 2015

Research Roundup: bacteria-eating viruses, experimental HIV and flu vaccines, and pharmaceutical law

With the looming threat of a post-antibiotic era—in which minor infections are fatal due to growing drug resistance—world leaders are examining remedies for treating bacterial infections from the pre-antibiotic era.

July 8, 2015

Passing the ball: DNDi transfers malaria therapies to MMV

The Drugs for Neglected Disease initiative (DNDi) and the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)—nonprofit product development partnerships (PDPs) and members of the Global Health Technologies Coalition—have teamed up to ensure two treatments for malaria continue to reach the patients who need them most.

July 5, 2015

Research Roundup: Drug-resistant TB, regulatory reform in India, a malaria vaccine, and more

A new study published in PLOS Medicine indicates that multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB) is less contagious than drug-susceptible TB.

June 28, 2015

Research Roundup: a new contraceptive option, China’s role in global health R&D, and vaccines for MERS and pneumonia

Last week, GHTC member PATH launched the Caya® contoured diaphragm in the United States, after developing and testing nearly 200 prototypes to ensure the product was safe, effective, and user friendly.

June 21, 2015

Research Roundup: a promising antimalarial and leishmaniasis vaccine, diagnostics for tuberculosis, and more

The Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)—a member of the GHTC—and the University of Dundee’s Drug Discovery Unit have developed an antimalarial compound that could treat drug-resistant cases of malaria with a single dose.

June 14, 2015

Research Roundup: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome R&D, G7 support for antimicrobial and neglected tropical disease R&D, patient safety and the 21st Century Cures Act, and the contraceptive pipeline

The zoonotic Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan called “a threat to the entire world” has spread to South Korea. More than 100 cases and 10 deaths have been reported, making it the largest outbreak outside of the Arabian Peninsula.