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Global health R&D delivers for Arkansas

US government investment in global health R&D has delivered

$2.4 million
to Arkansas research institutions
Global health R&D at work in Arkansas

Scientists at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) have been awarded federal funding from the National Institutes of Health to supports research on infectious diseases. This funding has enabled UAMS to establish the Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Inflammatory Responses, which focuses on pathogens—bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms—and the disease responses they cause in humans. The center has advanced research on malaria, pneumonic plague, leishmaniasis—a parasitic disease that causes disfiguring skin lesions—and other deadly diseases. By trying to understand how pathogens cause disease in humans, the scientists hope to develop new treatments and technologies. One other new idea being developed at UAMS is a non-invasive malaria detection laser for spotting parasite-infected cells traveling through blood vessels.

  • Methodology
  • USG global health R&D investment to state research institutions/Top USG-funded global health R&D institutions: Authors' analysis of USG investment data from the G-FINDER survey, including funding for R&D for neglected diseases from 2007–2015 and for Ebola and select viral hemorrhagic fevers from 2014–2015. Reflects USG funding received by entities in state including academic and research institutions, product development partnerships, other nonprofits, select corporations, and government research institutions, as well as self-funding or other federal agency transfers received by federal agencies located in state; but excludes pharmaceutical industry data which is aggregated and anonymized in the survey for confidentiality purposes. See methodology for additional details.
  • Case study photo: CDC/ Melissa Dankel