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Global health R&D delivers for Nevada

US government investment in global health R&D has delivered

$1.3 million
to Nevada research institutions
Global health R&D at work in Nevada

A team of scientists from three universities, including the University of Nevada, conducted research that uncovered how the bacteria Shigella causes shigellosis, a diarrheal disease that kills more than 1 million people each year. When Shigella bacteria invade a human host, environmental conditions stimulate a process within the bacteria that allows them to thrive. Central to this transformation are two proteins that work together to increase the bacteria’s harmfulness. The team found that production of one of the proteins can be controlled separately from the other, a discovery that could lead to new treatments. For large numbers of people living in low-income countries, targeted and improved antibiotics could mean the difference between life and death. No vaccine currently exists for Shigella.

  • Methodology
  • USG global health R&D investment to state research institutions/Top USG-funded global health R&D institutions: Authors' analysis of USG investment data from the G-FINDER survey, including funding for R&D for neglected diseases from 2007–2015 and for Ebola and select viral hemorrhagic fevers from 2014–2015. Reflects USG funding received by entities in state including academic and research institutions, product development partnerships, other nonprofits, select corporations, and government research institutions, as well as self-funding or other federal agency transfers received by federal agencies located in state; but excludes pharmaceutical industry data which is aggregated and anonymized in the survey for confidentiality purposes. See methodology for additional details.
  • Case study photo: PATH/Patrick McKern